Vegetable preserved via anaerobic fermentation in brine or immersion in vinegar.
The male sexual organ for copulation and urination; the tubular portion of the male genitalia (excluding the scrotum).
Examples for "pickled vegetable "
Examples for "pickled vegetable "
1 His face fell open at the shockingly yellow eggs, the soup, and slick green piles of pickled vegetable .
2 This mustardy pickled vegetable relish is the ultimate accompaniment to a raised game pie (see Chapter 5 for recipe) or cold meat terrine.
3 In the Kano home the simple night meal of rice, tea, soup, and pickled vegetables was already prepared.
Informal terms for a difficult situation.
1 Pie-of-the-day: why major label acts often end up in a financial pickle .
2 The pickle jazzes up good base flavours, but the meat is lacking.
3 You have prepared your own brine, Monsieur; in it you shall pickle .
4 If possible, replace the pickle with 1 tablespoon finely chopped sour gherkin.
5 There is a fine rod in pickle for you in that case.
6 The advantage of this is obvious; you can pickle at any season.
7 At the pushcart market, the pickle stand was a rendezvous for shoppers.
8 They pickle the oysters in small casks and send them to Barbados.
9 Our next task is to pickle the day's crop of young walnuts.
10 I was afraid to go into the road in such a pickle .
11 I'd be in a pickle if it had been my right hand.
12 Have ready a pickle made precisely as that in the preceding article.
13 This may have been called Irish after the green of the pickle .
14 We were all meeting at my grandmother's house to make mango pickle .
15 I call it a pretty pickle we are in, for my part.
16 But last night I was in an awful pickle , I assure you.
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